March 4, 2010

Orly French with Rubby Slippers and a franken!

I'm so excited! My partner in crime is back with us and also, I came up with a concoction that I really love! First though, let me say that I got the Orly rose colored french manicure set from Sally's the other day and I think I kinda like it. The only proof I have is a very crappy phone pic, but I think the manicure itself was pretty cute. I changed it up a bit after the first day and added Essie's Ruby Slippers on top of the white line, which made it a lot prettier in my opinion!

But then of course I had to break a nail so I clipped all my nails down and decided to change color.

Well, I don't know if you guys remember, but last year when I first saw the promo pics of Chanel Particuliere I was pretty stoked because of this pic:

I saw this in a post over on alllacqueredup. I was hoping that this would be the more accurate one of all the ones posted. To me atleast it looks like a mushroomy purpley taupey color. I do have Particuliere but after seeing this picture again just the other day, I decided to try and franken myself a color like this. Now, I didn't succeed completely in the form that I wasn't able to recreate this color. But I did manage to make a color that I really love! In the bottle I thought, oh wow, this looks like PVO, but it looks so different when worn. It's not a duochrome, but depending on the angle and lighting, it can look like a dusty purple, a purplish grey or a taupey color. I couldn't quite capture the taupiness with my camera, but here are a lot of pictures of it so you can see my newest creation! Also, none of my frankens are named, so if you can suggest a neat name for this color, I'd be forever grateful :D

Well that's it from me today. I hope you guys are having a wonderful week! It's officially past midnight here now, so it's Thursday. Be safe and have fun this weekend!