Well I know I've been MIA for so long (and hopefully Ang has been holding down the fort while I've been gone :P) but I've been visiting my family in Arizona and California for the past two weeks. My younger sister just had a baby, the first grand baby in our immediate family! So you may understand why my family is going a little crazy (mostly my mom lol) about her. I'm an Auntie now! :)
Well, I'm not about to leave you empty handed so here is my current NOTD! It is from Models Own in Lime Green, which I bought from their 50% off sale a while ago.

Models Own Lime Green

Lime Green is as the name suggests a lime green creme. The formula was good and this was three coats. Two would have probably sufficed but I did notice one little bald spot from cuticle drag, but that was my fault for not waiting longer between coats. Oops. I really like this color and I don't have many greens like this in my collection surprisingly. Zoya Tangy comes to mind as a color in this family but I didn't like the shimmer in that one.
Well, that is all for now and I can't wait to post regularly again!
Welcome back and congrats on becoming an aunt! =)