December 31, 2010

Space Junk!

Hello! Well, just a few hours away from the new year here in my neck of the woods and to celebrate I decided to do a super glittery look. I got my inspiration from the 'Space Nails' user Kellie pointed out to me in a comment back in November. If you're interested in seeing the original look, it's here on the Nails by Asami blog:

Space Nails by Asami

No need to say it, I know hers is way prettier! It actually looks like those pictures she got her inspiration from. But I had fun and the best part is my kids love it! They keep grabbing my fingers to see the glitter. It's great!!! I couldn't decide on just a few pictures, so I'll apologize right now for the hundreds of pictures I'm about to post. Plus a video! So without further ado, here is my take on it, which I'm appropriately naming Space Junk :)

Video of it in motion

Pretty fun looking, huh? I'm sorry about my technical issues. My camera was having a bit of trouble focusing on all the glitter every now and then :( Well, alrighty, I have to get off the computer! I hope you guys are doing well. Here's to the end of 2010 and cheers to a great 2011!


  1. This is perfect for New Year's!!

  2. Very pretty. What glitter did you use?

  3. Hi faerieberry! Sorry so late, but to answer your question, the 2 glitters that I used on top of everything were Cover girls Disco Dazzle and Hard Candy Break Up :)

    And thank you everyone for the nice comments, I'm glad you guys liked it :D
